Prayer for each other
Often when we come to pray for someone we’re not quite sure what their needs are or how we should pray. Colossians 1:9-14 is how Paul prays for the church and gives a pattern that we can use as a model to pray for each other confident that the answer to this prayer will transform our lives. Let us see some of the requests in this prayer:
1. Will. – that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding – Every believer needs to know the Lord’s specific plan for their life. Pray that each of us might be filled with the knowledge of His will
2. Walk. – you may walk worthy of the Lord – It is one thing to know and understand what God’s will is both generally and specifically as an individual but it is not enough to just know it we need to demonstrate it in the practical outworking in our lives – we need to walk worthy of the Lord. Our conversation, character and conduct should display our obedience to God. Let us pray that prayer for ourselves and also for our fellow believers.
3. Who – fully pleasing Him. The aim and goal of our Christian walk is not that we would be held in high regard by our peers. It is not just blind obedience to a set of rules. Our aim is that we might please Him. Pray that each of us might fully please Him.
4. Work. – being fruitful in every good work. Obedience to God should be displayed through our good works. Pray that we might be fruitful.
5. Wisdom. – increasing in the knowledge of God. A believer should constantly be growing closer to the Lord as they study His Word and apply it to their daily lives. Pray that each of us might increase in our knowledge of God.
6. Weakness – strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power. Pray that we will realise our own weakness and as we cry out to God we would experience His power in our daily life.
7. Worship. – giving thanks to the Father. Our life and walk should be characterised by an attitude of thankfulness to God, trusting Him in the difficult times knowing that He works all things for good. Pray that we might live a life of worship to God, giving thanks to Him whatever our circumstances.
This chapter gives us a model that we can pray for anyone. Commit yourself to pray consistently for others and believe that God will work in their lives.