
P7 to 18


Jam is for those aged P7 - 2nd Year

It runs from 7pm to 8.30pm on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturdays most months.

The programme includes games, sports and fun events. There is space just to hang out, talk and build relationships. Every week there is time spent in the Bible. Each year the young people are taken on a weekend outing for recreation and Bible study.


Infinity is for those aged 3rd Year - 21

It runs from 9.00pm to 10.00pm on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturdays each month.

Each week includes a variety of events and activities. We order in take-away or enjoy tea and coffee. We spend time looking at the Bible and cover a wide range of topics and issues that are relevant to the age group. Each year we also go on a weekend outing for recreation and Bible study as well as other trips throughout the year.


'Something or someone who causes great change'

We want to see our youth become the catalyst of their generation. To authentic Jesus followers. To be salt in this world.

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